Freestyle Classes - 8 to 12 Years

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Freestyle Classes - 8 to 12 Years


This Pay As You Come Option is for the Saturday at the end of the week from the purchase date.

3pm - 4:30pm Class is semi structured and is for those aged 8-12 years.

This term runs up to and including the 30th March 2024.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Refunds are possible but please note there is £1.50 admin fee for this that will come from the refunded amount. If the club has to cancel a session then this fee is wavered.

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Refunds are granted when the club cancels a session or a booking error is made by the customer. Terms and conditions apply and these can be found on the booking form for classes. If participants are unable to attend due to being excluded for / self-isolating we cannot offer refunds for those missed sessions. Home programmes will be available during these times as they were during lockdown.




As always members can contact either Leigh Barker ( if they have any concerns.