Recreational Gymnastics

On this page you will find all types of Recreational Classes and Groups hosted by Bracknell Gymnastics Club. Under each section you will find descriptions of the classes, times and ages to help you decide which is the most appropriate.

Online Booking is only available up to the first week of term, if you wish to book outside of these windows please e-mail for availability and bookings.

Autumn Term - September 4th to December 22nd 2023

Spring Term - January 2nd to April 7th 2024

Priority Renewals - December 11th - 17th

General Bookings - December 18th - January 7th

Summer Term - April 15th to July 21st

Priority Renewals - March 25th - 31st

General Bookings - 1st - 21st April

These classes are provided for children under the age of 5 and are based around basic motor skill development and exploration of gymnastics movement. The classes operate on the Bracknell Gymnastics Club badge scheme covering Badges 1-3.

Foundation Gymnastics classes are based around basic motor skill development and exploration of gymnastics movement. The classes operate on the Bracknell Gymnastics Club badge scheme covering Badges 1-5.

Intermediate Gymnastics classes are for those with basic gymnastic experience ready to start exploring more complex skills. The classes operate on the Bracknell Gymnastics Club badge scheme covering badge 6-8.

Advanced Gymnastics classes are for those with substantial experience and ready to start exploring complex movements including somersaults & free rotational skills. The classes operate the Bracknell Gymnastics Club badge scheme covering badges 9 and upwards.