Ruslan Gutu 19.04 1997 - 15.12 2015

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Bracknell Gymnastics Club are deeply saddened to report the passing of Ruslan Gutu. Ruslan was one of the most talented people to ever grace our club and competed as part of the original Kites (Junior Boys TeamGym). Even after he left the club he would drop in and say hello from time to time to show off his skills or just to support his little brother. Our thoughts are with Ruslan's family and his close friend James Langley at this sad time. We are so sorry for their loss and will cherish our memories of Ruslan.

There is a collection in memory of Ruslan which will go to what ever charity the family decide. If anyone feels they would like to contribute please follow the link below. We will be using the club's MyDonate button to gather gift aid prior to passing the full amount on to the family. This will be open from 22nd December to 1st January 2016.

Please do not be afraid to 'like' this post and / or comment to show support for Ruslan's friends and family at this time.

Lewis & Chris honoured by Wokingham District Sports Council

Bracknell Gymnastics Club's Coaching Managers received awards tonight at Wokingham District Sport Council's Awards Night. Lewis Jones received the 'Male Sports Performer of the Year' and Chris Bennett received 'Coach of the Year'. Congratulations to both of them on their respective well deserved awards. Many thanks also to High Performance Coach Janet Allabush for coaching at Bracknell tonight so Lewis and Chris could attend the awards tonight. 

Lewis Jones (Male Sports Performer of the Year) & Chris Bennett (Coach of the Year) 

Lewis Jones (Male Sports Performer of the Year) & Chris Bennett (Coach of the Year) 

James takes silver at the CopperBox

James won the silver medal today at the DMT National League Finals at the Copper Box in London. He landed all 8 high risk passes over the weekend without any falls and scored highly for execution (all over 9.0). Coaches and competitors were impressed and very complimentary about the impact James has made to the DMT competition. Congratulations to James on a great result against tough competition at the National Final.

James Langley with his DMT coach - 3 time world champion Kylie Walker.

James Langley with his DMT coach - 3 time world champion Kylie Walker.

Max visits BGC

World Champion Max Whitlock (centre) with BGC Coaches James Langley (left) and Lewis Jones (right)

World Champion Max Whitlock (centre) with BGC Coaches James Langley (left) and Lewis Jones (right)

This was a very busy weekend for Bracknell Leisure Centre, with the British Women's Age Group Championships in the Main Hall and Chris Bennett leading a TeamGym Level 3 Module in the 3m Hall. World Champion Max Whitlock called in to the 3m Hall to visit and posed for a few pictures with the TeamGym coaches.

Congratulations Max on winning the World Championships and thanks for stopping by.

@BGcommunity @getbracknell @BGSouthTeam @BracknellForest @BritGymnastics @maxwhitlock1

Phoebe & Tilly excel at Halloween Gymnastics Competition


Two members of the Bracknell Junior Performance Squad (coached by Sophie Thomas & James Langley) took part in a friendly halloween themed competition today in Farnham with three other clubs. Both Phoebe and Tilly excelled themselves. Phoebe took the floor gold, vault bronze finishing 2nd overall in her category. Tilly competed in a different age catogory, finishing 2nd on floor with some very experienced gymnasts in her group. Both gymnasts enjoyed the experience and made new friends demonstrating good sportsmanship. 
